Please fill out one form for each student
(This form must be completed annually or if any changes occur)

Your email address (required to receive a copy of this form)

Name of School
Date:      Student Name:      Grade:
Home Address:      City:
Parent/Guardian Name      Home Phone
Work/Cell Phone

Part 1. Registration
I understand that my student is registering to ride the bus service provided by District 112. I understand that bus service may be cancelled if my student: 1) does not ride for 10 consecutive school days or, 2) does not follow the bus safety rules.
Please check one:
Would like bus service for my child. Start Date:
Do not need bus service at this time, but will allow 2-3 school days to implement service, if needed.

Part 2. Alternate Address
Only fill out if student needs to be bussed from an address other than the home address such as, shared custody.

TO SCHOOL TRIP: ADDRESS FROM WHICH I REQUEST MY STUDENT BE TRANSPORTED. (Student walks to closest established bus stop).
Check days that apply:               
Address:      City
Contact Person for this address:      Phone

FROM SCHOOL TRIP: ADDRESS TO WHICH I REQUEST MY STUDENT BE TRANSPORTED. (Student walks to closest established bus stop).
Check days that apply:               
Address:      City
Contact Person for this address:      Phone

District 112 Transportation Dept. 952-556-6160 District Education Center 11 Peavey Road Chaska, MN 55318